10 October 2009


By Arthur Williamson

Are you bothered or disturbed often? Are you easily distressed? Or do you know another that is irritated or gets angry at a pin drop?

These and other symptoms are signs of a hormonal imbalance.

Hormone balance is key to keeping bodily functions running properly. The word hormone had it origins from a Greek word 'hormon' and originally meant to set in motion, impel, urge on. The hormone system in the body sets into motion, maintains, governs and regulates the tissues and organs in the body.

Hormones are created in glands. to enable you to get the picture clearer, glands are an organ that produces a secretion for use elsewhere in the body. There are many glands in the body in various locations such as the skull, neck, chest, stomach and pelvic areas.

In youth, one has vigor and energy in life. As the years pass, one finds s/he has less energy and life doesn't seem as bright anymore. This is because as one gets older, the manufacture of the hormones isn't as high. Other body situations may arise as one gets older such as sagging skin, shrinking because of loss of bone density, extra fat deposits, difficulty sleeping and many other symptoms.

Starting as early as the mid-thirties, a person can start to have difficulties. Mostly the difficulties start showing up from mid 40 on up through the 60's. Some difficulties can start early and just get worse as time goes by.

In the past, it was accepted that a person would change over time from a youthful appearance to one where the muscle tone was lost and extra weight was gained. In our modern age, something can be done to balance the hormones thus make aging a graceful thing to do.

One truly does not have to accept old age as it has been, one can age gracefully and without the old problems associated with it. Hormone levels can be tested for hormonal imbalances and then corrected with an all natural therapy called Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT for short). Bio-identical refers to the fact that the hormones used are molecularly identical to the hormones that are produced in the body.

BHRT has been in existence for over twenty years. It addresses the situation of balancing hormones on an individual basis, therefore every person gets the exact mixture of natural substances that is needed for his/her particular body.

The differences between synthetic and bio-identical hormones are many. The main differences are, synthetic hormones are mass produced from animal parts and synthetic chemicals and intended to replace the body functions. Synthetics are made for the masses, not individuals. The bio-identical hormones are created on an individual basis, made from natural ingredients, are recognized by the body and used as if it was naturally occurring.

A person will find that during and after BHRT that s/he has more vigor, energy and a more youthful appearance. The symptoms of irritability, being grumpy, not feeling rested and other problems decrease. One is more alive.

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