25 May 2009

Auto Sales Training Tips and Strategies

1895 Benz Velo. Along with its contemporary Du...Image via Wikipedia

by Mak

The process of investigating may seem like a tedious one, but it is a necessary one. You will use the information you learn through investigating to make your presentation easier and build confidence. It can be key to closing a sale. Learn good investigating skills like watching, listening and questioning and learn how to appropriately use the information to increase your sales.

Car Sales Training Tip One: Proper Study Skills Getting to know your customer is the key to a good investigation. As salespeople, we are lucky because we have the gift of gab. Spend some time just chatting with your customer. Don't focus on the car or the bottom line; instead just get to know them. Ask about their kids or their favorite professional sports team. See if you share any interests in common. A word of caution, it is very easy to step on toes so avoid topics like politics or religion. These topics are very likely to cause problems in the conversation so it is best to avoid them all together. The time you spend getting to know your customer will make investigating their needs and wants much easier.

Car Sales Training Tip Two: What's the Point? Investigation does serve a purpose, and an important one at that. Throughout your investigation, you will gather information that you can use when you make your presentation. Furthermore, your customer will feel more comfortable with you and be more likely to have faith and confidence in what you are selling them. Finally, because you have good rapport, have made a proper presentation and your customer trusts you, it is much more likely that you will close the sale.

Car Salesmen Tip Three: How to Conduct a Proper Investigation Actually listen to your customer and make sure you hear what they are saying. A prime mistake made in investigation is assuming you understand what they are saying. Take the time to make sure you hear them correctly. Also, sit back and watch them. Take note of where they pause and why. Use this information to tailor your sale pitch to them. Question your customer to further narrow down their car choice. That is all it takes!

The investigation portion of the sales process may be one of the most tedious, but it is also one of the most important. Learn to put good investigating skills to use to discern what your customer wants and needs. Build rapport to make your presentation easier, build trust and close the deal. Use simple tactic like watching, listening, questioning and keeping on track to make investigating easier. A thorough investigation is key to increasing sales.

About the Author:
Atten: Car salespeople. Mak has many more tips and strategies. Get his free 5 part mini e-course on automotive sales training. It's a must have car sales training course to help you sell more vehicle in the car business.

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