08 June 2009

Learn Acoustic Guitar DVD: Learn Guitar Notes in a Few Weeks

LegendImage via Wikipedia

By Scott Loach

As a beginner learning to play the guitar can seem like a pretty steep hill to climb. There are notes and chords to learn and correct finger placement and technique to establish. Don't be discouraged to quickly by letting these things get you frustrated.

You could just begin by tuning your guitar half a step down. Not a drastic change but it makes your guitar sound more growly without losing all the high range. Or you could take your strings down a whole step so that your guitar is tuned D G C F A D. The first step to learning your guitar in a snap is the most obvious. Sit down and actually practice. By actually practicing I mean not always playing what you enjoy, or are familiar with.

You owe it to yourself to be the best player you can be, so make that choice right now and say to yourself, "I commit to practicing my instrument in a consistent manner that leads to me learning how to play the guitar in a snap." A little tip for you here: If a string breaks on your guitar, I would recommend you change the whole set, other wise you will end up with spare strings lying around everywhere, and for some reason, I always find there is a difference in quality of sound when I only change one string. Maybe I'm just a perfectionist, who knows? As far as practice is concerned, there are a couple of ways to approach it.

Nowadays bluegrass guitar is not only a lead instrument in the band but the playing techniques can be quite complex sounding. The early greats of bluegrass guitar playing like Lester Flatt and Charlie Monroe used a combination of fingerpicking and flatpicking using a thumbpick. A common technique which you can also hear in country music is to play bass notes and runs on the E A D strings and melodic passages on the G B E strings.

A growing trend at this juncture in time involves the number of men, women and young people who are taking guitar lessons on line. When all is said and done, the opportunities that are available to a person today when it comes to guitar lessons online really abound. This includes such guitar basics of finger picking.

Second, there are larger sites that offer a wide range of different types of educational tools to assist you in learning guitar online. For example, these sites might offer to you video presentations that can assist you when it comes to learning guitar, including such techniques and practices as finger picking.

Lots of people can play guitar but what music do you play on your guitar when somebody says, "go on, play something"? Do you play a song, an instrumental, a simple classical piece? Songs are probably best as a general rule because even if you can't sing, somebody in the crowd will be able to help you out. Just in case you get the party started with your guitar, a repertoire of around twenty songs probably should get you into, and out of trouble.

When you are choosing your repertoire, you can spread your net wide. No need to stick to the Top Forty, go for the Top One Hundred of whatever decade you feel comfortable with. An easy way out that does not need too much research is to just jot down a bunch of Beatles titles.

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