10 October 2009


By Arthur Williamson

Are you bothered or disturbed often? Are you easily distressed? Or do you know another that is irritated or gets angry at a pin drop?

These and other symptoms are signs of a hormonal imbalance.

Hormone balance is key to keeping bodily functions running properly. The word hormone had it origins from a Greek word 'hormon' and originally meant to set in motion, impel, urge on. The hormone system in the body sets into motion, maintains, governs and regulates the tissues and organs in the body.

Hormones are created in glands. to enable you to get the picture clearer, glands are an organ that produces a secretion for use elsewhere in the body. There are many glands in the body in various locations such as the skull, neck, chest, stomach and pelvic areas.

In youth, one has vigor and energy in life. As the years pass, one finds s/he has less energy and life doesn't seem as bright anymore. This is because as one gets older, the manufacture of the hormones isn't as high. Other body situations may arise as one gets older such as sagging skin, shrinking because of loss of bone density, extra fat deposits, difficulty sleeping and many other symptoms.

Starting as early as the mid-thirties, a person can start to have difficulties. Mostly the difficulties start showing up from mid 40 on up through the 60's. Some difficulties can start early and just get worse as time goes by.

In the past, it was accepted that a person would change over time from a youthful appearance to one where the muscle tone was lost and extra weight was gained. In our modern age, something can be done to balance the hormones thus make aging a graceful thing to do.

One truly does not have to accept old age as it has been, one can age gracefully and without the old problems associated with it. Hormone levels can be tested for hormonal imbalances and then corrected with an all natural therapy called Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT for short). Bio-identical refers to the fact that the hormones used are molecularly identical to the hormones that are produced in the body.

BHRT has been in existence for over twenty years. It addresses the situation of balancing hormones on an individual basis, therefore every person gets the exact mixture of natural substances that is needed for his/her particular body.

The differences between synthetic and bio-identical hormones are many. The main differences are, synthetic hormones are mass produced from animal parts and synthetic chemicals and intended to replace the body functions. Synthetics are made for the masses, not individuals. The bio-identical hormones are created on an individual basis, made from natural ingredients, are recognized by the body and used as if it was naturally occurring.

A person will find that during and after BHRT that s/he has more vigor, energy and a more youthful appearance. The symptoms of irritability, being grumpy, not feeling rested and other problems decrease. One is more alive.

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Use Your Business Cards To Sell More Of Your Crafts!

By Ethan O. Tanner

Marketing and Promoting your crafts can be just as fun as making them. It doesn?t make any difference how unique and special your handmade treasures are, if no one knows you are in business. Effective use of your business card will bring you repeat customers. What is so fun about marketing and promoting your crafts is that you use the same creativity that you bring to your command, when you make your crafts.

Most of us small biz crafter do not have a blank check, to what ever amount we spend on advertising, so we need to come up with cost-saving ideas. There are many advertising and promotion companies out there competing for your advertising dollars. Some are better than others, and most of them are expensive.

Ads that tie up your advertising dollars, and may not be in print for a few months or more, or expensive coupon advertising, can deplete your advertising budget with one advertising campaign, and not return all that many new leads or customers. If an expensive advertising campaign doesn?t deliver, you don?t get your money back

Many people in business do not their stage business cards to their biggest potential, even though most biz people do accept them printed up. Business cards are your hardworking little salesmen, they're your mini billboards. They work for you 24 hrs a day, without pay! Hand those biz cards out! Always accept some on hand, when you blend out,and hand them out! This sounds conspicuous and it is, but several times business cards are left over at home. They can not be promoting your biz, left at home or in the car.

Hand those biz cards out! Always have some on hand, when you go out, and hand them out! This sounds obvious and it is, but many times business cards are left at home. They can?t be promoting your biz, left at home or in the car.

Do a Business Card Exchange! Do a local mailing to businesses that are costless to your business. For instance if you arrive at candles, send a letter acquainting your biz, to local beauty shops, with 5 or 6 biz cards enclosed and offer a biz card exchange. You will give out biz cards for them if they hand out yours.

Make Your Cards Do Double Duty As Price Tags or signs. Arrive at your biz card into a hanger that you accompany your hand-crafted items or other products, with the cost on the back of the card. Apply a hole punch to punch a hole in the corner of your biz card, and carry a piece of string or small satin ribbon through with the hole, and come with your product.

Make Your Cards Do Double Duty As Price Tags or signs. Make your biz card into a hanger that you attach to your handmade items or other products, with the price on the back of the card. Use a hole punch to punch a hole in the corner of your biz card, and run a piece of string or small satin ribbon through the hole, and attach to your product.

Mini Billboards. Whenever you accept a Internet site and e-mail all of the time bring in your biz cards mini billboards for your Internet marketing as well. Forever admit your website and e-mail address, during your biz cards. This could be a zealous way to employ double sided biz cards in addition to. On the rear of the card could be a ?shortest attention grabbing ad? since your website. Since you give notice determine, your business cards can be tireless diligent salesmen for your products and services. I hope the suggestions laid come out above, undergo sparked a lot of ideas, on all the same you could implement your biz cards to promote your products and services.

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Landing a Cheap Apartment in Austin Texas

By Hermon Dougson

With the economic conditions getting worse by the day, apartment prices have gone down. If you are looking for cheap apartments in Austin, Texas, don't overlook apartment units that might just look as if they are expensive. You should do some price comparisons by making a list of apartment complexes and giving the apartment leasing agent a call. Once you have a list of apartments that are available in the area you are looking to rent in;then, you can choose the least expensive and check the apartments out.

You might find a cheap apartment that would require your spending twice the gas money to commute to work, if you are planning on working in Austin. The question of cheapness varies with other budget items like food. If you will have to travel clear across town to find the supermarket that you like, the cost in gas and time might make that cheap apartment look expensive in the long run. But, most of us want to get the most for our money. If a cheap apartment is a budget necessity and we plan on walking most of the time then consider these options.

Austin, Texas, has one of the highest apartments, townhouses, and condos of any major city in the United States.

More than 3000 additional units were built last year and 1300 more units are scheduled to be built on top of the already existing 125,000 townhouses, apartment and condos.

The average rent for an Austin, Texas, apartment was 800 dollars. That has dropped to about 700 dollars. If that is the average of what renters pay; then, if your looking for a cheap apartment, you can expect to pay, at least, 500 dollars a month. Finding a Real Estate Office and inquiring about their townhouses, apartments and condos might surprise you with an even better deal if you are planning on signing a lease. Many of these offices handle apartments whose owners want their space rented. By inquiring from real estates offices rather going directly to an apartment that looks cheap, you might get a better apartment and less money than you thought you could afford.

The market in apartment renting is hurting just as much as all the other markets. Now, would be a good time to sign a longer lease for a nice apartment at a cheap cost because it is a buyer's market. How to find a cheap apartment in Austin, Texas, is no problem if you approach the project with the right assistance from a real estate agent.

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09 October 2009

Causes And Remedies For Bad Breath

By Steven H. Poulos, DDS

Bad breath (halitosis) can be an unpleasant and embarrassing condition. Many of us may not realize that we have bad breath, but everyone has it from time to time, especially in the morning.

There are various reasons one may have bad breath, but in healthy people, the major reason is due to microbial deposits on the tongue, especially the back of the tongue. Some studies have shown that simply brushing the tongue reduced bad breath by as much as 70 percent.

What may cause bad breath?

- Time of day - When a person sleeps, saliva flow almost stops. The mouth becomes dry and that condition allows microbial deposits to form. So in the morning is a more usual time for bad breath.

- Foods which contain odor-causing compounds enter the bloodstream and are transferred to the lungs which exhale the odors. Garlic and onions are well known for this.

- Not brushing and flossing the teeth allow bacteria to grow and can cause bad breath.

- Disease of the gums - infected gums have deposits of bacteria under them, which cause a bad odor.

- Cavities, bridges and crowns that don't fit can leave spaces for bacteria to breed and cause bad breath.

- Dry mouth (Xerostomia) - may be cause by certain medications, salivary gland problems, or continuous mouth breathing.

- Smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco causes dry mouth, again allowing bacteria to grow and contaminate breath.

- Some diets cause bad breath because the chemicals released when the body burns fat are given off in the breath and they smell bad.

Missing meals, hunger, and dehydration can cause bad breath. Chewing increases saliva flow and drinking water washes bacteria away.

- Illnesses can cause bad breath, particularly liver and kidney disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinus infections and diabetes.

It is a good idea to go over your medicines and illnesses with a dentist, who can help you determine if any of those things would cause bad breath. Also helpful is keeping a record of what you eat.

There are several things you can do to prevent bad breath:

- Clean your teeth and mouth - brush twice a day and floss daily. Flossing removes food particles and plaque from between the teeth and under the gums. If you have dentures, you should clean them completely at night and return them to your mouth in the morning.

- Get a check up and tooth cleaning from a dentist at least two times a year. You should have your teeth cleaned more often if you ever had gum disease.

- Twice a year visits to the dentist for check up and cleaning will prevent bad breath. If you have already had gum disease, you should go more often.

- Drink lots of water - it will keep your mouth wet, and wash away microbes.

- Water will keep your mouth moist and help wash away bacteria, so drink lots of water.

In most cases, your dentist can treat the cause of bad breath. If it is determined that your mouth is healthy, but bad breath is persistent, your dentist may refer you to your physician to determine the cause of the odor and an appropriate treatment plan.

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Male Change Of Life

By Michael Minton

It is not uncommon to hear about women and the physical problems related to menopause. Although men suffer from hormonal changes when getting older, it hasn't been spoken about nearly as much. Until recently, not much has been said about andropause which is what it is called for males.

As a male ages, he has a decline in the amount of testosterone that his body creates. This decline can start as early as mid 30's. Some symptoms that may occur are:

* Exhaustion

* Bad tempered

* Depression and moodiness

* Muscle size and strength reduction, becoming flabby

* Bone thinning (Osteoporosis)

* Problems with libido

* Problems sleeping

The posture and structure of the body starts to change as early as the late 30's and continues to charge through till older age. A man may start with a little extra weight around his waist and as time goes by, more weight is added on. Then the back starts to hunch and the muscles start to become flab, too. Then as one becomes older and older, he shrinks in height.

In the days gone by, men would just take it in stride and not pay attention to old age setting in. His loved ones would notice the extra pounds, the posture and know that was what happened in life, he was just getting old.

Truth be told, men do not have to go through the difficult hormonal changes, just as women don't have to. The solution is to naturally handle the hormone balance so the man of today does not have to follow in the footsteps of the men of yesteryear.

Instead of animal, synthetic or chemical hormone therapy, a modern man can receive hormone tests by a qualified physician and receive BHRT. BHRT is Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. It uses natural ingredients to balance all the hormones, not just testosterone. By doing so, men can enjoy a new vigor for life.

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Nutrition And Supplements In Anti-Aging Medicine

By by Anju Mathur, MD

If your goal is a long life with productive energy to the end, it is very difficult to attain that with modern processed foods. There are specific things bodies need to combat the effects of time, and many of those things have been removed from supermarket foods. Vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants and other nutrients need to be introduced to the body as food, and you just don?t find them at Taco Bell or in frozen pizza.

Even the most disastrous of the modern degenerative conditions, such as cancer and vascular/heart/circulatory diseases, in which our genetic backgrounds may be either a help or a hindrance, can be decisively overcome when personal determination drives the healing process.

In order to start, one has to determine individual metabolic type. The important thing is how the body handles food, not the effect on the body created by a particular food.

Proper environment plays a part with proper nutrition. With a small amount of time and money in consultation with a medical professional, you can find out what type of metabolism your body has and what you should and shouldn't do as regards ingesting food. Good health will be the result.

An individual diet plan and needed supplements along with exercise can slow down the aging process and control or reverse age-related disease. Champion antioxidants such as Glutathione, vitamins A, C and E and beta-carotene counteract free radicals. Focusing on these proven natural therapies can undo some of the damage caused by free radicals, and slow down the ravages of age.

Free radical elimination or reduction is a very important factor in any anti-aging program, because the damage caused by free radicals is the main reason for aging, although other factors are involved. Also, the body produces waste products and toxins through its daily processes, and these must be eliminated. Correct nutrition, elimination and detoxification with safe and gentle methods are available. High blood pressure, Alzheimer?s disease, diabetes, Parkinson?s disease and arthritis are some of the diseases that are apparently mainly caused by free radicals.

Rationing of food intake can be very helpful in contributing to anti-aging medicine. Modern research indicates that restricting the amount of calories ingested can be important to extending lifespan in mammals. And the good news is that even limited periods of restricted calories can help balance hormone functions and the effects continue even when a person returns to a normal diet.

Get healthy - join the many who have launched themselves on the trail of a productive and energetic old age. Consult your health professional for a specific diet and program of nutritional supplements.

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Using The Marketing Mix To Track Success

By Mark Walters

The marketing mix can aid you track winning advertising campaigns whether you handle the internet or other media to advertise your service or product. This is made by allowing for the straightforward process of eradication when maintaining track of which aspect of the marketing mix you are focusing the most on.

The marketing mix can be thought of sort of similar to ingredients. Each ingredient is crucial to the closing result but there is no need to have each ingredient match the amount of another ingredient. You don't assemble cookies by adding four cups of sugar and four cups of flour to four cups of salt. Therefore, you don't form a marketing plan with the same importance placed on all aspects of the mix.

In scores of ways, you could often cover one of the lesser exciting elements of your marketing campaign merely by adding a larger proportion of a more exciting ingredient. When you obtain the skill to stack up the promotion, or the product, through sufficient open anticipation then the price becomes a less important issue to the normal end user. After all, they already appreciate that it is the must have product of the year. So what if it's a tad more expensive than they would like it to be?

The marketing mix is a straightforward but effective aspect to help monitor your accomplishment in putting together your campaigns. Whilst you have a larger ingredient involving one aspect in your mix, keep path of your sales.

Among each element all you really need to do is figure out which portion of the marketing mix you are pushing the hardest and document the effect it has on your sales. When you have this information in front of you, your next campaign is essentially priceless.

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What's the Panasonic Viera TX-L37S10 Model Like?

By Karen Puckett

The Panasonic Viera TX-L37S10 is on many people's shortlist when looking for a new high definition television recently. The picture quality one gets for the price is extremely good value.

Produced by Panasonic and placed into the Viera models they had on the market before. The TX-L37S10 will give you great pictures, with details and rich colors. Also part of the standard with a Viera line television you will find the IPS Alpha panel. This is another way to say that from different angles you will still be able to see a consistent image.

The Alpha panel significantly increases the viewing angle that the TX-L37S10 can be viewed from, allowing more of the TV viewing room to be used.

The TX-L37S10 also has a SD slot in it as well. Being able to hook up the television to a memory card is something that a lot of people want to have when they are looking at buying a new television. Also it comes with the HDMI connectors that will make hooking up the gaming systems in your home a breeze to do. Many video game junkies will love knowing this!

The Freeview feature that is part of the TX-L37S10 is a great function. Offering one of the best in image stability on the market. On screen noise is very minimal, and clarity and resolution are also top of the line. But read on because there is more to this great TV.Another feature of the TX-L37S10 that is great would be the Freeview. Gives you possibly the best image stability out there right now on the market. You will see clarity and resolution that rate at the top of any television on the market. There are still more things to find out about this TX-L37S10 though.

A 1080p Blu-Ray player will be given justice if you hook it up to this TX-L37S10. In fact in the test the detail was amazing and above par for the market. Though one complaint was touted as the sound being a bit less than hoped for. However, it was noted in another review that the sound was only second to that of a home theater system. Obviously that means two different opinions and something you will need to check out for yourself.

This Panasonic TX-L37S10 would be a great addition to any home. Giving you many different hookups that you can easily add more devices for viewing or gaming pleasure. And with the SD memory card slot you can view photos on the TX-L37S10 sharing them with many people at one time.

Panasonic did a great job with the TX-L37S10, adding another television to that Viera line. A fantastic chance for everyone to enjoy High-definition program. With the TX-L37S10 though, even those programs that are not high-definition will look just as good.

You also can find a ton of places around the internet that offer great prices on the Panasonic TX-L37S10. Taking some time to look at a variety of them is the best thing you can do. This can give you numerous factors that you can compare in order to see if you are getting the best possible deal for the money you are spending.

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Some Short Hollywood Movie Synopses To View

By Dennis Parks

For years now, the video store was the way to get movies. The next generation it seems will be getting their movies from movie downloads, avoiding any trips to the store. Let's look at what you might find to watch using a movie download site.

Wayne's World: Wayne and Garth have their own TV show on public access television. Their show is spotted by TV exec Ben Oliver and Wayne and Garth are moving up. Wayne now ifs falling in love, and they abandon the show to be with his new love in her career as a rock star.

Nothing to Lose: Nick Bearns is having a bad day. He just caught his wife in bed with his boss. Now he is being carjack while sitting at a stoplight. Angry and feeling he has nothing to lose; he turns the tables on the crook, and kidnaps him. Eventually these two misfits collaborate to get back at Nick's boss is this fun filled comedy.

Cujo: Completely terrifying adaptation of Stephen King thriller in regards to a female and her child terrorized by a rabid St. Bernard. Develops gradually and undoubtedly to horrifying (although not gory) for kids. Cast includes Dee Wallace, Daniel Hugh-Kelly, Christopher Rock, and Factories Watson. (91 minutes, 1983)

Life With Father: Powerful adaptation of a long running Broadway play by Howard Lindsay and Russell Crusoe based on Clarence Night's tale of growing up in turn-of-the-century NYC with his admiring although offbeat dad. This is utterly admirable, and a handsome production also. The Screen-play is by Donald Ogden Stewart. Cast includes William Powell, Irene Dunne, Elizabeth Taylor, Edmund Gwenn, ZaSu Pitts, Jimmy Lydon, and Matlin Milner. (118 minutes, 1947)

The Priests Wife: Hardly amusing blend of drama and humor with Loren as a disenchanted singer who imagines she could persuade pastor Mastroianni to acquire discharge from his promise of celibacy and wed her. Weightier addressing of this topic might be heard on talk shows. Cast includes Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Venantino Venantini, Jacques Stany, Pippo Starnazza, and Augusto Mastrantoni. (106 minutes, 1971)

Red River: One of the best American adventures is a Western Mutiny on the Bounty. Clift rejects the dominance of Wayne (radiant in an unsympathetic role) throughout a key livestock drive. Captivating photography by Russell Harlan is coupled with an exciting Dimitri Tiomkin score. A movie you need to see. If you don't pay close attention, you'll miss Shelley Winters dancing around a campfire. Cast includes John Wayne, Montgomery Clift, Walter Brennan, Joanne Dru, John Ireland, Noah Beery, Paul Fix, Coleen Gray, Chief Yowlachie, and Hank Worden. (133 minutes, 1948)

Night of the Blood Monster: Lee is fine as Magistrate Jeffrey's who is a vicious judge presiding over "Bloody Assizes" after the Monmouth Revolt opposing Baron James II. The film itself is monotonous and grisly. Cast includes Christopher Lee, Maria Schell, Leo Genn, Maria Rohm, and Margaret Lee. (84 minutes, 1970)

The Stepford Wives: An up to date remake of the 1975 film of the same name. The town of Stepford, on first look, seems like the perfect place. Everything in Stepford seems perfect. Newcomers to Stepford Joanne and Bobbie are starting to wonder what is going on. Will they figure it out before it is too late?

Hannibal: It has been ten years since Hannibal had escaped. Mason Verger, Hannibal's sixth victim, a survivor, has obsessive revenge on his mind. His plot includes using agent Starling for bait. He feels Hannibal will not be able to resist.

Try a search phrase something like "Videos Online". If that one doesn't work try another one. We would recommend trying "Online Movie" for new search results.

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Practical Ways Of Reducing Cost Of Plastering Projects

By Peter Stayley Jones

It is critical for you to recognize when it is time to get professional help in your home improvement projects. There are plastering tasks which are so extensive and complicated that you have no choice but to hire the services of a plaster contractor.

Here are some of the important considerations when deciding whether or not to hire a professional plasterer. You will have to hire a plasterer if: you don't have the confidence in doing the plastering job yourself; you don't have the free time to do the plastering job; and hiring a contractor is the more convenient and expeditious way of completing the plastering job.

However, you must remember the plaster contractor charges premium rates. In order for you to enjoy the convenience of their services, you will have to spend up to $65 per hour for the more complicated and difficult plastering jobs.

Under this context, you will have to find some practical ways of getting the best deals from your plaster contractor. This can mean cut-off from the proposed rates or other special discounts which your contractor may include in his offer. You must always be on the look out for possible opportunities in reducing the cost of the plastering job.

One practical cost reduction option is working out a special arrangement with your contractor where you can perform some of the minor tasks that are associated with the home improvement project. These shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: move out furnishings and other fixtures outside of the room; provide cardboard cover to protect the flooring; and clean the partitions of dust, grease, grime and traces of cleaning agents.

These tasks may appear to be inconsequential for most of us. However, you will be amazed at how such tasks can significantly impact on your bottom line. By opting to perform these simple tasks, you are actually allowing your contractor to perform the more complex and technical aspects of the plastering job. By these, you are getting the best value for every penny you spend for his services. You must always remember that your plaster contractor is being paid on an hourly basis regardless of the type of tasks that he is performing. By getting him to work on the more serious aspects, you are actually getting the most out of his services.

This task is pretty simple and can be performed by anyone as it does not require any special skill. You can make arrangements with your contractor so that you can just do this task for him. In most instances, plasterers will appreciate if such proposal is offered to them as it makes their job a lot easier. On the other hand, you are also getting the best value for the money you spend for their services as they can immediately perform the more complicated and highly technical aspects of the plastering project.

If you are negotiating for a major and extensive plastering project with your contractor, then you may also arrange for your involvement in some of the minor tasks in order to bargain for a better deal. For instance, you may assume the task of removing the old plaster all the way through the wood lath. In most cases, contractors would welcome such arrangement as they can be relieved of this task. While you are at it, you may also offer to attend to the cleanup as well as the removal of waste and debris.

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Keep Your Kids Busy Gardening With Garden Pots

By Andy Raydall

Have fun with your kids while doing something useful - container gardening! This will certainly help keep them from getting bored and they will love learning how to plant in garden pots. And, seriously, what could possibly be better than getting their little hands dirty while growing their own food. They might just be inclined to try some new foods they wouldn't ordinarily try (I know this works since I saw it happen with my own 6-year old son.)

The Pots

Now let's begin with the garden pots. Containers are available in a wide variety of materials and styles. They can be made from plastic, stone, wood, clay, etc. Since they are lightweight and pretty hard to break, I recommend using plastic pots for safety reasons for kids. Wood containers would be a good second option. Wood containers are usually made to be decorative and not necessarily water proof so you will probably end up putting your plastic pot inside the wood one.

Having your kids decorate the pots now is a good starting point. Use non-toxic paints such as acrylic which works great on both wood and plastic. Once the paint has dried, place the pot in your desired location before adding soil which makes the pot heavier and harder to move.

The Potting Soil

I recommend using a good potting soil as opposed to putting in plain old dirt. Potting soils are blended specifically for use in containers and they are made to hold water (which means less watering - and less maintenance). Its always a good idea to help freshly placed plants get a good start by feeding them with the proper nutrients. Mix the recommended amount into the potting soil (a guide will be printed on the bag). Be careful not to add too much as this can kill the plant.


Choose you plants according to the type of garden you want to grow - herb, vegetable, or flower. Then pick by size according to the size of your pots. Certain plants (such as tomatoes) will require larger sized pots. Remember, plants can be easily transplanted into larger garden pots later if they get to large for the pot you started with. As you can tell, this would be a great project for you and your kids and they are sure to love seeing (and eating) the fruits of their labor.

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08 October 2009

Deciding on What Bridesmaid Gifts to Give

By Sheryl Hope

As such it also becomes seemingly compulsory for bride to give out presents to all the ladies who shall be assisting her on the much awaited event. The choice is hers and so is deciding when to hand it out. Bridesmaid gifts are no doubt now becoming part of the modern day wedding. The kind of bridesmaid gifts and the right time to give it out counts a lot therefore it should be well planned as the wedding itself.

Having to decide when to give out gifts to your bridesmaids depend on the kind of present you wish to hand in to them. Since it is a fact that becoming a bridesmaid surely costs something, many brides saw the need to give out practical gifts to their bridesmaids. This may include stuffs that they can possibly use during the wedding day.

So if you are thinking of giving out gifts of such kind, it would be wise to hand it out possibly during wedding shower. If you will give your bridesmaids salon gift checks then it would be wise to give it to them during bridal party the week of the wedding. For sure their manicure or pedicure will look perfectly nice on the wedding day.

It is also wise to hand in jewelry gift for your bridesmaid before the wedding day. It will surely amaze them to receive gifts of this kind and surely use it during your wedding to complement the dashing gown they need to wear. Other equally exciting presents for the bridesmaids can also be given right after the wedding reception.

Therefore, it would count a lot to have this kind of gift that will surely show your utmost gratitude for those ladies who share their precious time being with you on your special day. Whether you give your bridesmaid presents on or before the wedding, does matter but not as important as the thought of handing it out. This should be the real essence of handing out this particular gift to them. So, if you still have not decide what to give out to your bridesmaids, try to give them the most practical yet equally elegant bridesmaid gifts.

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Pinch & Tap Harmonics for Lead Guitar

By Jackson White

Pinch Harmonic

"Pinch harmonic is a typical guitar scream. It is often played by the guitar players to rip into the solo and to play one or more notes that simply scream and sound awesome. The rules remain the same but this time all the action depends on how you pick the string.

While playing the pinch harmonic guitar player not only picks note as normal, but also lets his thumb brush up against the note just after he picks it. The thumb is setting up the node of the "harmonic" and pulling the strings to resonate with the desired harmonic series. If you crank the gain and treble up, after using the method in right way, you will always find a screaming harmonic of some kind.

As with other harmonics you need to fine tune the exact position you are utilizing to strike the melodic point, and you can even exchange between different harmonic types in between notes. Since Pinch Harmonics are performed near the bridge, we are selecting from the higher harmonics, so we find high notes. Some higher harmonics also include inharmonic components, adding to the scream. A lot of the possible actions are here within a small space - we get more because the guitar is artificially sensitive to the higher order harmonics as be having upped the gain a lot.

Tap Harmonic

A "Tap Harmonic" is simply like an "Artificial Harmonic"; the divergence between them is that the "tap harmonic" practices a single action- to do a tap, instead of separately touching and pulling the string. For this you require to tap the string lightly so that it very shortly strikes the fret underneath it and remove your finger very speedily. The tap sets the string in oscillation and at the same time produces the node in the right place - so of course you need to tap the string at the accurate place essential to set the "harmonic" you desire.

Whammy Bar Harmonics

Ultimately, the "Whammy Bar Harmonic" is similar to the "tap harmonic", the only difference is that while playing "tap harmonic" you select very high order harmonics, and there is no fret below the exact point you need to hit, therefore, you need to use a whipping action to set the string oscillating and deaden it in the right spot to set up the desired node. That is why; "whammy harmonics" are about the most challenging "harmonic" technique. A great place to do this is on the G string between the 2nd and 3rd frets - depending on the exact place you whip. In this way, you can find 3 or 4 various harmonic series. Just remember that before you whip, push your whammy bar down, and after the tap release it and add a few vibrato - with this technique you can get some crazy screams.

About the Author:

07 October 2009

Eight Ways For Profitable Blogging And Success

By Chris Cassillo

It is in my interest to create this guide as simple as possible for any newbies. Decide whatever peaks your interest the most and write about it so readers will be interested in what you have to offer. Now it's time to learn the steps to creating a successful website.

STEP 1: You will want to create a domain name based off of your keyword that you want to rank for. It should give you good positioning on the search engines when you start to rank and is good for SEO. for some affordable web hosting for your website or start off with a free blog account but I suggest having your own domain so you can use your keyword in it.

STEP 2: When you set up your blog you will need it to have daily updated content. The search engines love fresh unique content and will reward your site with high rankings depending on your keywords. Getting fresh content to your blog can be a challenge but you have options to make it all easy.

STEP 3: Getting unique content is easily done by going to any article directory site. The articles are free for you to use and you can use as many as you need. The rules to using articles from article directories are simple, just keep the links to the original article and you can use them.

STEP 4: After you finish everything check to see if you are using your keywords in your title and body the right way. That will keep your blog posts relevant to the keywords you are trying to get rankings for. Check to see that the keywords you select are not hard for you to rank for and have minimal competition.

STEP 5: After every thing is put together you will want to put up some affiliate links in your website. The best advertising to use is Google Adsense, Clickbank, and any other affiliate programs that you can find. Advertise these links in your posts and in your sidebar with pictures and banners.

STEP 6: As soon as everything is built you will want to start pulling tons of visitors to your new website. I recommend getting your back links from other places so you can get things started. You can start advertising to message boards, classified ad sites, or link exchanges.

STEP 7: Forums are a great way to get a quick back link to your website and get noticed by search engines. The more links you create the more greater your ranking in the search engines will be. build links moderately to the home page as well as your post pages also.

STEP 8: With all the effort you put in you will begin to get some visitors coming in from all the sites you posted to. As the number of back links you placed come in you will start to rise in the search engines. Now you just keep creating your links and you will be making money online in no time.

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Compare Dental Plans To Get The Best Coverage

By Aretha Holly

Because of the expense of dental care, many people put off having checkups. If you want to make dental care less expensive, then you should learn to compare dental insurance policies to make the best choice for you or your family.

While health insurance focuses on coverage for major illnesses or emergency care after an accident, dental insurance focuses on preventative care. Most dental insurances will pay a large percentage of the costs of preventative care, but progressively less for care that results from not having that care.

Compare Alternate Dental Insurance Plans To Save More Money

Since most dental problems could be prevented annual or semiannual checkups and cleanings, many policies cover this care at one hundred percent. This helps to keep the cost of dental insurance very low. Much, much lower than the cost of health inusurance.

If you ignore a problem and it becomes a major problem, then it will cost you more to have it fixed. Many dental insurance companies put a cap on the maximum they will pay per year at one thousand to fifteen hundred dollars and they only pay fifty percent of major dental expenses. This could leave you owing two to three thousand dollars on extractions and a full set of dentures.

If you want a dental insurance policy that pays a higher percentage for such treatments, you will find that the price of the premium is significantly more than the price of the normal dental plans. Still, the price is much less than that of the cost of health insurance and it encourages the policy owner to take care of his or her teeth.

When deciding to purchase dental insurance, be sure that you check with both your employer and your spouses employer. Job related dental insurance is usually a great bargain and offers some of the best coverage. Be sure that you compare the coverage offered as well as the cost of the coverage. Also, check and compare the costs of a private policy.

When making those comparisons between what the employer offers and the private policies, the general finding is that you get better prices and coverage through the employer. If this option is not available, you will find that there are many companies that offer dental insurance and that by making comparisons you can find the policy that is best for you. If you have a family, be sure to check the cost difference between a policy that is written for an individual and the whole family. Since this is a preventative care insurance, you will want to start early in taking care of your child's teeth. Preventative care for children could mean a life without cavities.

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Staying Safe On Your Watercraft and Seadoo

By Jane A. Moore

Watercraft safety is an issue that all should be aware of and knowledgeable about. It doesn't matter whether the watercraft is an 90 foot car ferry or an 8 foot canoe, watercraft safety is critically important. If you intend to use a watercraft you owe it to yourself and your family to educate yourself about water safety.

The safety item at the top of any boating safety list of equipment is having a properly fitting life vest for each person in the boat. On smaller boats, you should be wearing your life jacket at all times. This is because there is very little chance that you will have time to put on a life jacket in the event of an accident. A large percentage of boating accidents are due to capsizing, and of the fatalities resulting from capsizing, over 80% are not wearing a life jacket. On larger boats, it is not necessary to wear your life jacket at all times, but make sure you know where to find one in the case of emergency.

The next safety tip is to never operate a watercraft while or after consuming alcohol. Drinking and boating is the number one biggest cause of boating fatalities. Never allow anyone you know to mix drinking with boating, it is just bad news. It is as serious an offence as mixing alcohol and motor vehicles, so it needs to be taken seriously on boats as well.

Another safety tip that might not be obvious to recreational boaters is to always make sure you know where you are going, how long you will be out, and make sure to inform someone of your plan. This is common practice with the operation of commercial vessels, but it just makes sense that you get in the habit of always having someone know where you should be and when you should be back. That way, if you get in trouble, you have the best chances of being found as soon as possible, rather than having no one realize you were missing until too late, or not know where to start looking for you.

In order to meet the safety checklist for small watercraft, there are a number of things that you must carry on board any time you are out on the water, which include things like a pfd for each person on the boat, a sound making device, a light or proper lighting on your boat for sailing after dark, something to manually propel your boat, something to bail water from your boat, etc. For the complete list of legally required safety items, you should check with the local coast guard. On top of the legal requirements, I always like to make sure that I have some other safety items with me, such as sunscreen and emergency water and food.

Watercraft of all types are a fun part of holidays and summertime. However, watercraft can also be very dangerous. If you follow some common sense safety tips concerning watercraft then you and your family can have fun and be safe at the same time..

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Tips On Finding The Best Camping Generator

By Victor Oz

Looking for a camping generator can be hard if you don't know what you are really looking for. With many options to choose from getting the right portable generator for camping can be hard and picking the one for the job can be even more difficult. With camping and camping for extended periods of time for example on a RV it's important to have a generator at bay to make sure that your computer, your laptop and the all important coffee maker are supported. I recommend that you pick a bigger brand portable generator for example Honda or Yamaha for your camping trips.

A 2000 watt Honda generator is a good choice because it runs quite and there really no reason for it take up to much of your figuring it out. In addition to running really quiet it can power almost about whatever you throw it's way.It doesn't take a lot of gas and can run for a long time. Typically it can run a 2-3 person operation for a R.V. or and type of outdoor use. I recommend that you get an inverter for the generator, what this does is it will help charge any kind of battery for a boat or car that your a carrying along.

You should know that's there two types of alternators are that's standard with a portable generator some generators will carry an inverter as well.Standard alternators are made up of heavy copper coils that generate AC electricity.With a rotation speed of 3,600 rpm's a camping generator can get very noisy quickly, why this happens it is need to generate enough rotation speed to produce power. If you decide to get this type of generator they can have been known to consume a huge amount of fuel. Standard alternators are not suitable for power sensitive electronics because they cannot produce electricity as clean as comes out of the utility power plug.

Inverter generators, on the other hand, produce DC electricity which is then converted to clean AC power at the output connections. Inverter generators are alot lighter and are very portable. Another thing you should know is a portable generator can run at various speeds depending on the situation on the load you put on it. If you're not running a lot of tings at once the noise can fuel consumption will be a lot lower thus lasting a lot longer on one tank.

A great innovation that some inverter generators have gotten in recent times is the use of a full GFCI[ground-fault circuit interrupter] sensor. What this does is protects against any kind of ground fault on the outlet, plus not only the 120V outlets that you see usually with most generators.To prevent any damage to the generator these types of systems are way more durable and reliable then any other standard GFCI outlets. which are mainly used in high-performance items.

Finding the best portable generator is not always the easiest decision.Whatever, the choice you make you'll come to love your new generator! They come in handy in whatever situation you might be in from emergencies to outdoor camping they are a great thing to have in your box of tools and come in handy when you least expect it.

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06 October 2009

Audiobooks: Technological Advancement at Its Best

By Brad Morgan

When you download audio books from the web, you'll find that it is quite easy to do, and you'll also discover that there are several other advantages to accessing audio books online.

Some people are hesitant to make the transition to audio books. Take a look at the advantages you'll see when you download audio books online.

The first advantage lies in the convenience that you'll have. You do not have to actually leave the house in order to get the books, and this means that you can download the files anytime you want, morning, noon, or night.

When you download audio books, you also have the choice of how you're going to listen to them. You can download them and leave them on your computer's hard drive or transfer them to an MP3 file and enjoy it on your iPod. The choice is yours; either way, you get to enjoy your book when and how you want.

Enjoy your book in minutes, instead of the hours it takes to drive to a store and purchase a traditional book.

This ease and speed also comes in handy when obtaining children's books. You can quickly download kids' audio books, and your children can be listening to them in just a few short minutes, - a great trick for long car rides or for busy parents.

Cost is yet another reason to download audio books. They are far less expensive than their traditional counterparts in bookstores, even online bookstores.

The cost of traditional books is driven up because the venders have to make up the money they invest in selling books: the overhead for the business itself, the paper for the books, the ink for the words, the box for the CD, and more. Even online, you have to pay for all this and shipping.

You can save a considerable amount of money when you download audio books because the overhead costs are significantly less and are not passed on to you.

These books are cost-effective and convenient. If you are a book lover, download an audio book. It's a win-win situation.

Not only is it far more convenient than traditional book buying, you'll also be saving money and still satisfying your quest for the written (or spoken) word.

About the Author:

05 October 2009

Choosing The Right Guitar For You

By Tom Sears

So, you've made the decision to take up learning the guitar. Congratulations, you're now at the beginning of a fun and rewarding journey.

Now, one of the most important things to decide before you begin is what kind of guitar should you get? Well, it all depends on the type of music you want to play. Do you prefer rock, country, funk, metal, etc.? Whichever type of music you prefer, there's pretty much a range of guitars to suit it.

So for example, if you enjoy listening to harder rock, like metal, then buying an electric guitar by such companies as Ibanez, Washburn or Jackson would be ideal. Or, if you like softer rock, a better choice would be a Gibson, Yamaha or Fender guitar.

The best piece of advice I can give you is to go into a guitar store and simply try some out. This is because your final decision should be based on the look and feel of a guitar, not just the company it's made by.

Many players stick to one make or model of guitar simply because it's their favourite in terms of look, feel and sound. In fact, Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton, two of the greatest guitar players of all time, played Fender Stratocasters almost exclusively. Slash from Guns n Roses plays a Gibson Les Paul, as does Jimmy Page. A good tip is to look at what type of guitar your favourite guitar players use and look for similar ones whilst at the store.

Another piece of advice is to look out for and ask the store employees about the 'action' of any guitars that interest you. This is the space between the strings and the neck, so the higher the action the harder you have to press down on the string and ultimately the harder it is to play.

Unfortunately many guitars are made without the correct care and attention these days and many make it into stores with terribly high action. Should you get one like this, it's quite possible that playing will hurt your fingers so much that you'll feel like giving up after a couple of weeks. Simply ask the the assistant in the store to check the action for you and you can't go far wrong.

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04 October 2009

Bifold Doors Are Really Easy To Find On The Web, But Make Sure You Have Done Some Research.

By Kian G Farmer

Separating a space in your home can sometimes be hard and for those of you who don't like beaded curtains, you may think there are few options left. However, bifold doors can offer a great way to separate a space such as a laundry room or larder and are easy to find online.

Doors like this are usually available worldwide and therefore buying on the web is a much easier option. It'll give you access to a huge range of products as well as ensure that you can get yourself the best possible deals. Most stores offer discounts only online. However, you'll need to take your time.

There are lots of options to choose from and you may find it difficult to make up your mind. Well, if that's the case then you should read on to learn how to choose the right products for your needs. You will also need to set yourself a budget so that you don't overspend.

When it comes to actually purchasing online though, you'll need to do some research before you actually pay for anything. You want to make sure that what you buy actually works for your needs and this means taking your time before you buy anything at all.

You don't want to rush into anything so it's a good idea to make some notes and set aside a few hours so that you can concentrate on doing some research. Find out all the information that you need and don't make a purchase until you're completely happy.

If you have a good look around on the internet you should find that there are plenty of options available. Have a browse and do some searches on Google to see what comes up. You'll probably be surprised at the amount of choice for such a simple purchase.

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Make Money With The Brilliance & Charm Of Fashion Jewelry With Semi-Precious Gemstones

By Linda McCleane

Unlike real fine jewelry where precious metals are used, fashion jewelry can be made with metals alloys like copper, nickel, etc and even basic materials like glass and clay. But the mind-boggling array of designs and assortments in this kind of jewelry gives a woman ample options to mix and match these with her apparels and add oodles of style to her look. Fashion jewelry gives people jewelry options to go with the different outfits in their wardrobe without having to pay too much.

The boom that the fashion jewelry market has experienced over the past few years really shows that the trend is in great demand. And in the recession-hit scenario, it suits everyones pocket as well. Instead of paying a bomb for a precious stone studded in gold or platinum, why not buy a semi-precious stone instead. Since it is affordable enough, it is bought by a larger number of women and therefore if fashion jewelry is converted into a business venture, it brings with it an awesome cash flow.

Starting an online business based on selling fashion wholesale jewelry is a very lucrative venture since fashion jewelry fascinates almost everyone and the different styles and themes employed make it also very stylish to wear. There are simple options of buying fashion jewelry online from either good wholesalers or websites that sell these items and then resell these at a local jewelry store or auction these online or maybe open your own little store. Thus if you are a jewelry enthusiast and want to start a home based business, fashion jewelry is one option you should consider.

The best part is that you can get good deals online as there are a wide variety of wholesalers to choose from and thus you can easily get trendy but inexpensive jewelry and earn nice profits. Thus online business or home-based business will be a profitable enterprise. You can even sell these consignments at any of the fashion jewelry outlets in your city and if the style and quality is good enough, these will readily accept your offer since these stores look for fresh stuff all the time.

The different kinds of semi-precious stones make for enchanting and exquisite jewelry pieces that look rich and fashionable at the same time. Various types of jewelry like necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants, anklets, rings can be made available like amethyst bead necklaces, turquoise flat-bead bracelets, garnet stone pendants, citrine drop earrings, etc (the list is endless!) Different types of jewelry made from semi-precious stones make for great pieces of fashion jewelry and if you are a jewelry enthusiast and know what the latest styles and fashions are, dealing in these kind of fashion jewelry can roll you in profits.

Choose from amongst most exquisite styles and also make sure that the wholesaler does not sell you fake stones under the guise of real ones. The beautiful hues of these gemstones when coupled along with good craftsmanship earn many admirers and customers. You can also sell your collection according to zodiac signs and different symbolisms. Thus dealing with these will definitely give a boost to your jewelry business.

Forget worrying about your retirement forever! Come and join the revolution of women that are making their living online...Thus semi-precious stones used in fashion jewelry will get you excellent repeat customers and with this venture you can deal with beautiful jewelry and earn handsomely at the same time.

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Magic Tricks With Cards

By Kristopher Luther

You have seen them tons of times, but have you ever wondered how the magician did the trick? The following are the most basic and probably the most used beginning magic tricks with cards ever preformed.The first of the magic tricks with cards is the tried and true "Find the Card." The only thing needed is a deck of cards and good acting skills. To start this trick say the old order, "Pick a Card, Any Card." Then having a volunteer choose a card which you then "pretend" to lose it among the rest of the deck. This is the card that you find magically later.

the genuine trick to this newb card trick is recalling where another card is and you inserting the selected card by the memorized card. So when you have the volunteer place the card in the card deck, you want to make sure, the deck when you split it, is where the memorized card is. So when you go to tug the selected card all you need to do is keep one eye on the memorized card. This following is one of the many easy wizardry tricks is named "The 4 Acres." This is fun one to learn ; it requires a bit of practice but is worthwhile. This one you must commence with the 4 aces on top of the deck. Then while the bunch is watching shuffle the deck but you must ensure that the "aces stay on top."

Have an affiliate of the fans come cut the deck 4 times beginning from the right; ensure that the quarter the aces are in is on the right. Then have the person take the 3 cards from the pinnacle of the pile that's on the left and place them on the bottom. Then take the 3 cards from the apex of the pile, place one on each one of the remaining piles. Have the person do it over again with the leftover three piles then have them turn OTT card of all 4 piles. They should all be the aces.

The following magic tricks with cards calls for ruining a good deck of cards but it is a good one. It is called "4 10s into 4 aces" To prepare for this trick, you need to start out with removing the tens along with the aces. Taking the 10 and ace of hearts and glue them together back to back with a glue stick (no glue bubbles.) This is the "full card." Taking the other three Aces, cut them diagonally, leave the 10's in one piece. Taking a part of each ace and match it with it's 10 glue them together. Then you are ready.

To start the trick display the prepared cards so that the cards overlap and only the 10's show. Be sure that the full card is the card that everyone sees as "the end of the fours cards." Then you just collapse the cards down to a single deck. Meanwhile distract the audience with acting as though you are doing magic to do the change. Meanwhile maneuver the "full card and flip it over" make sure that the card stay in the correct spot. Do not forget to rotate the cards so the Aces now show when you show the audience that you changed the 10's into 4 aces.

These three magic tricks with cards are straightforward cards tricks that anybody can learn. It just needs time, practice, and great acting talents to tug them off. It is advised while practicing to do so in front of a mirror to find out how you are progressing with your slight of hand.

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