Image by AFP/Getty Images via Daylife
When researching online, I found many entries that gave advice for pricing art that mentioned you should go to Etsy and eBay to find comparable art and price yours the same way. This is a pretty good rule to follow but there are things to consider when pricing your art so that you make a profit.
Within your price, you need to include replacing the materials that you used otherwise you will not be able to make more art to sell. Additionally, you need to tack on another five percent so that you can get extra supplies to grow your art business. Your talent, skills and time that went into creating your art should also be taken into consideration. You are very valuable!
To boost your sales, write a detailed explanation about your piece of art. Be specific about the manner in which you created the work, the supplies that you utilized and interesting things about the piece or what happened when you were creating it.
What is the story about that piece of art that you created? How did you get inspired to do it? Weave a tale and it will enable you to sell more art online.
The most important point to know when selling your art online is - take great pictures. Taking great pictures tells a story that words alone cannot convey. It isn't hard to take great pictures of your art. To do so, place your creation on a black matte material on a flat surface such as the floor or a table. Then climb up a step ladder and take the picture from above.
Take many pictures, take close-ups of different parts of the artwork and be sure to include the full piece as well. Crop your pictures so that each one is the same width size so that the pictures line up neatly within the description.
You want to go for professionalism in your description, so photographs that align are one key point to keep in. Having photos the are different widths from tiny to huge looks unprofessional. Maintain consistency on the width to create professionalism.
As a note, the height can be different as long as the width is the same. The width should be between 400 - 500 pixels wide but no more. Doing so creates some white space around the photographs which makes viewing on a computer screen easy on the eye which means more likelihood that a person will be interested enough to read your description and look at your pictures.
The finishing touch of your online sales copy to sell your art should be to speak about the benefits of owning the painting to the potential buyer. After-all, you didn't do the piece of art for yourself, you did it for an audience. Don't focus on only speaking about yourself, write as if you are speaking to a single person.
You want your art to be owned by the person that it communicates the best to - so speak about the benefits of ownership such as pride, that it's original and no one else has one like it, it's signed, the colors are a perfect accent to a home or office and so on. Think of as many reasons you can that a person would want an original painting and add the info to your description.
A good idea is to add a short bio about you and your works. Make it two or three sentences maximum. This give your potential buyers more confidence in you.
To give an overall professional appearance to you text and picture presentation, create short paragraphs of no more than 4 sentences. Doing so makes the entire presentation more easy to read because of the amount of white space.
Have a great time selling your artistic creations and may you prosper.
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