11 May 2009

Article Writing Tips for Long-Term Traffic Results

Windows, GNOME and KDE keys for cut and pastin...Image via Wikipedia

by Leigh-Ann Lemire

You get the greatest benefit and long-term traffic to your website when you do marketing on the internet with articles. The main reason that people use the internet is to find information, by writing articles you provide exactly what is being looked for which makes article marketing one of the best techniques you can utilize.

Being a fast and talented writer are beneficial abilities, however you need not be that type of writer to create good articles. You are already knowledgeable in the subject matter of your site, you need only communicate about it.

Even if you are not a perfect writer, you can create an outline of the article that you want to write and then find a freelance writer to help you make the article as you envision it. A good place to find freelance writers is at www.help-2-succeed.com - it's a site that provides resources to help creative and talented folks to make a living with their art. Just send a request to find a freelance writer.

When you write articles, stay on the same topic as your website. Doing so will give you benefits such as a larger readership and more people to your site because of what you have to say. The people arrive to your article via the search engines, read what you have to say and then, wanting more info on the topic, click on your link in the resource box and arrive at your website.

One tip that is very important is to have a method that a person can sign up for your newsletter on your site. Providing a means for a person to gain more knowledge about your particular subject is vital because you will have a person that is in your niche that is interested and will buy from you because of the material that you write about. To make it easy to have people sign up, there is a great no cost service that you can utilize - go to www.messagebot.com, sign up for their service and you will receive the code that you can cut and paste into your website to help people sign up for your newsletter.

Some tips for writing a great article that will be read are:

- Limit the amount of words, stay in the range of 500-800 words

- Make small paragraphs

- Don't cram the paragraphs one after the other, create a space in-between each

- Keep to the same subject of your website

Besides submitting your article to directories and blogs online, you can also create a newsletter to send to your mailing list with your article included. Also, there are websites where you can submit your newsletter. Here's some good places to do so:

* Zinester - this site has many useful tools to enable you to get a larger readership. There's a small monthly fee.

* Best Ezine - a service that is free of cost where you can list your newsletter. It is a community website where people review and rate newsletters.

* The Ezine Directory - a very resourceful site that has been online since 1999 helping internet business get the word out about their newsletters.

* Ezine Locater - This service is human edited. There's a small lifetime membership fee to utilize the service.

* Newsletter Access - You can promote your newsletter with a beginner or advanced package. This service has a small fee for both services.

* New List - This is a no cost service, in business since 1998 helping online business owners to get their newsletters out there and increase their readership.

* New Jour - found at http://library.georgetown.edu/newjour/ allows you to add your newsletter for free.

As a summary, start writing and submitting your articles. Your articles will get re-published online which spreads the word about you and your services. It is a no cost marketing strategy that will continue to work for you for years driving traffic to your site.

About the Author:
Effortlessly increase your internet earning power with article marketing. Find out how at Natural Growth Marketing. Get a totally unique version of this article from our article submission service.

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