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Good fairy tales not only speak about the situations of the society at the time they were written but also include one or more lessons to be learned which is what makes the fairy tales timeless.
The lessons that are depicted in the fairy tales are presented in a fun manner that are enjoyed by both young and old alike. The lessons are ones that are ages old, applicable from one generation to the next.
You can find fairy tales that date back centuries still being told to this day. The reason is that every fairy tale is a winning story where situations are overcome, wrongs are righted and goodwill towards your fellow man is accomplished while the reader of the fairy tales learn lessons.
No matter what problems the society was facing when the fairy tale was written, the situations and the solutions to overcome the difficulties in the stories are what make fairy tales timeless. Even rhymes and poetry of days gone by, such as Mother Goose, spoke of the situations of the society at the time of writing but are still enjoyed to this day.
Being able to be creative with ideas is key to accomplishing the targets that one wants in life. Fairy tales provoke imagination because of the entertaining presentations. Imagination is vital to solving problems and envisioning goals. So, besides communicating about morals, fairy tales instill an ability in a child that will help to get through life and achieve goals.
Turning dragons into dear friends, creating transportation out of fruit and vegetables, flying in the air without any logical way that it could be possible and hundreds of other impossible feats are the subject matter of fairy tales. It is the encouragement to dream the impossible that is the foundation of great ideas.
The imagination sparked because of fairy tales are where the new ideas originate such as the painter that dared to do a new technique; the kid with grand ideas that creates a brand new green method of transportation; the child that spent hours reading who grows up to influence a great majority of people to have goodwill towards his fellow man; the people that conceive the bright ideas that move a nation or a culture forward.
Both young and old should read fairy tales. For adults, long forgotten dreams can be restored with renewed energy and for children, the ability to imagine beyond the present reality is created.
Fairy tales are timeless, great to learn lessons and are especially key to helping young and old make dreams into reality.
About the Author:
For modern day fairy tales written by ILIA and enjoyed by kids ages 9-99, go to Winsome Tales.
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